Cups & Lids Sets:
You will receive everything you need (including a lid with holes in just the right places for collecting and stacking your used compostable cups) with each box delivered.
Packaging Return Sets:
If you would like to put up your hand to trial this service, email us at
Need extra Boxes or Packaging Return Sets?
You can order extra at any time: If you have another area within your location that would benefit from a second station, OR you are filling boxes quickly and want some spares, simply log into your account dashboard to order more and we’ll send you what you need.
Pick Ups
Full Box?
Simply scan the QR code on the back of the Compostaway box, or the one you attached to your packaging box to order your courier pickup.
Do I book each box pick up separately?
Short answer…… Yes you do, and we’ve made it easy!
Longer answer….. You’ll usually find that the boxes are full one at a time, but if you have more than one, please scan each one.
Each box has a unique QR Code that is linked with both your account, and the return courier label number, so you will need to book each box pickup using the QR Code or details on that particular box.
Cups & Lids Sets:
You’ll be prompted to order your extra boxes to ensure you always have a complete station.
Packaging Return Sets:
If you would like to put up your hand to trial this service, email us at
This automation is important, because if you run out, you will be left with the same problem you had in the first place… compostable things going to landfill instead of compost!!
Inside the Box
What measures do you take to keep contaminants out of the box?
We sort every box that comes back to us! We don’t want contaminants in the soil any more than you do.
We love working with motivated people (like you) who want to help others understand the issues around the end of life of compostable packaging.
Of course we hope that people will do the right thing and only put compostable packaging in our boxes – but we are also realists, and unfortunately some people just don’t.
How can I encourage my customers to stack their cups efficiently?
You can get the most cups in your box if cups of the same size are stacked in the same chute, however cup combinations are different for everyone, so we created an environmentally friendly option for our customers. (made from FSC Certified paper & recyclable with the lid)
With your first order of boxes we will send you a sheet of paper labels you can attach to your box lid if you wish, and you can always ask us for more sheets if you need them. (See pic. below)
Reducing our carbon footprint
To enable our service to be accessible to workplaces & cafes etc. nationwide, who otherwise would not have the option to easily get compostable packaging to a composting facility, we need to utilise the already existing courier network.
It’s all about balance and transparency.
We want to be totally transparent about our service, and we are working right now with a company who is helping us to put things in place to measure and offset the carbon footprint created by our activities (including the use of couriers) so that we will be carbon neutral, and our dream is to be carbon positive in the future.
Don’t forget to join the tribe & get $20 off!
We’ll keep you in the loop & you’ll RECEIVE $20 OFF your first set of boxes.